Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Waldorf School of Atlanta welcomes students and their families, faculty, and staff, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. We are proud of our commitment to diversity at The Waldorf School of Atlanta and we work consciously to build a welcoming community that includes a diverse range of families. We support all family structures.

Our school strives to be a reflection of the rich, cultural city in which we live. As learners, teachers, parents and friends, we provide a welcoming and supportive environment where all perspectives, ideas, and ways of being are honored in authentic ways through our curriculum, school policies, and community life.

Furthermore, The Waldorf School of Atlanta is committed to providing financial assistance to families in need, and we have expanded our after school programs to support working parents.

In our commitment to our values, The Waldorf School of Atlanta has a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) Committee, the mission of which is to promote diversity, equity, and social inclusion at every level of our community. It is an ongoing commitment. We strongly believe that by supporting diversity in our school, we prepare our students for a diverse world, a global community that sees itself reflected in each of our students and is all the more vital and resilient because of them.

To read more about how Diversity and Equity are integrated into Early Childhood, Lower, and Middle School curriculum, please see links below.

The Early Childhood department at The Waldorf School of Atlanta takes a holistic approach to integrating diversity into the daily, weekly, yearly, and seasonal rhythm. WSA particularly boasts a rich and diverse curriculum experience in the Lower School and Middle School classes.


Our Position on Steiner’s Statements on Race:

The Waldorf School of Atlanta (WSA) is founded on the principles of education developed by Rudolf Steiner. WSA strives to offer a curriculum that serves our students’ intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth and development. Our school acknowledges that some of Steiner’s writings contain racist ideas that our school rejects. These ideas are not a basis of our curriculum or our pedagogical approach.  Steiner also taught that individual work toward conscious evolution and pursuit of truth are necessary for human development. We believe the majority of Steiner’s teachings align with our school’s intention to foster a community where all students are met with dignity and respect.

We acknowledge that this work is not easy or quick, and that we may not always get it right. Nevertheless, we are committed to the continuing pursuit of improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in our school community because our students, our families, and our world deserve nothing less. It is our belief that hate and injustice directed toward any community is hate and injustice directed toward us all.

The healthy social life is found when in the mirror of each human soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the community the strength of each human soul is living.
— Rudolf Steiner